Design & Territory: Emergencies and Conflicts


Nélida Yaneth Ramírez Triana
Academic editor
John Jairo Cardozo Vásquez
Academic editor


Design and Territory compiles different approaches related to the appropriation of design by communities, their identity, and their affectivity with the environment. Design is subject and action; it works from several disciplines in configuring spaces, objects, systems, communication, and strategies. The territory promotes dynamics that constitute the interaction systems of people and communities.

The interrelations between design and territory allow its study from multiple perspectives. The interaction between people and objects, images and spaces, shape multiple realities in the territory, where the local, the regional, and the global overlap and interrelate, giving rise to different forms of perception and valuation of experiences. The text compiles 17 approaches/ interpretations of this relationship, channeled from interinstitutional collaboration and academic networks; these approaches focus on diverse contexts, moments, and geographies, with visions from the periphery and the center, presenting courageous and sensitive interpretations of the territories explored; and are organized in four parts. 

ISBN digital: 978-958-505-469-1

Acceso abierto: disponible aquí

Formato: digital (PDF)

Páginas: 291

Autores: Marco Borsotti, Sabina Cárdena Obyrne, Marcelo Antonioni Aguilar Montero, Marleny Cardona Acevedo, Michele Ugolini, Stefania Varvaro, Daniel Eduardo Ferradas, Germán Eduardo Ferradas, Andrés Sicard Currea, Fabio Enrique Fajardo Tolosa, María Astrid Ríos Durán, Diego Rodrigo Echeverry Rengifo, Nathalia Valderrama Bohórquez, Manuela Celi, Lucas Rafael Ivorra Peñafort, Diana Zoraida Castelblanco Caicedo, José Eduardo Naranjo Castillo, Sonia Marcela Rojas Forero, Karla Mazarelo Maciel Pacheco, Almir de Souza Pacheco, Mirella Sousa Vieira, Claudete Nascimento, Miguel Fernando González Arana, Boris Alejandro Villamil-Ramírez, Keidy Yasmin Perea Mosquera, Ximena Alejandra Flechas Chaparro, Daniel Alberto Reyes Leguizamón, Johanna Andrea Merchán Avenia, Nélida Yaneth Ramírez Triana y John Jairo Cardozo Vásquez


November 29, 2023

