Mathematical modeling of solid-gas reactions: a multi-scale perspective


Farid Chejne
Academic editor
Juan C. Maya
Academic editor


In 2017, the Colombian government made a novel commitment creating Ecosistemas Científicos (Scientific Ecosystems) within the framework of the Colombia Científica program. Energética 2030 emerges from this policy, materializing the efforts of a work team integrated by companies and universities that have been collaborating for many years to create a knowledge-based society. At that time, Energética 2030 set itself the ambitious objective of “Developing a comprehensive strategy for the transformation of the Colombian energy sector, oriented to its reliability and social, economic and environmental sustainability on the horizon of the year 2030”. Six years later, a multidisciplinary team of more than 300 researchers from a dozen nationalities deliver important results that are reflected in the country’s energy policy, in the technological development of solutions to the problems of the energy transition, and in a group of people who have prepared themselves to face the challenges that the planet demands in the decarbonization of the production, and the usage of energy. Thus, the ten volumes that compose the Energética 2030 collection are a testimony and record of the achievements and results that this meeting of wills has attained.

ISBN digital (PDF): 978-958-505-288-8

ISBN impreso: 978-958-505-287-1

Acceso abierto: pronto disponible aquí

Formato: impreso y digital (PDF)

Páginas: 108


May 2, 2023